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We offer our services throughout the UK, working in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, Derby, Northampton, Lincoln, and Liverpool to name a few.

The Office Manager at SGH & Associates - Private Investigators

Visit our website here: SGH & Associates - Private Investigators


Monday, 28 June 2010

How Do I find Out if My New Neighbourhood is the Right Place for My Family? Answer- Get A Neighbourhood Check Done

Moving house is for many of us a huge commitment and a time of stress and anxiety. These emotions can be further enhanced by moving to an area that we are not familiar with. 
From surveys carried out, more people research the purchase of a new car than they do about the property they are renting or buying in an area they are moving into. This is considering that the purchase of a new home is at least ten times the value of the average family car.
For families these checks are essential. As well as the obvious questions we ask about the area, there are a significant number of checks that need to be carried out. Even if we believe we know the area there are still matters that need to be explored. 

So, what do we need to think about when moving to a new area?

  • is the area a crime hotspot? 

  • are there any registered sex offenders living in the vicinity?

  • are there regular incidents that involve disrupting the local residents daily routine?

  • are the pubs a magnet for trouble makers and late night drinking?

  • have house prices altered significantly in the past, if so why?

  • what is the standard of the local amenities?
These are just some of the issues to be considered before we move onto the subjects of schools, proposed building plans, traffic problems, environmental implications such as smells and pollution, disruptive neighbours, local government facilities such as prisons, bail hostels.

All of these are potential factors that could disrupt our quality of life in an area we have chosen and want to feel safe and secure.
How would you feel if you had purchased your dream home to go with the new job and within your street was a local authority accommodation for newly released sex offenders and violent individuals who are being prepared for release back into the community? It is not a place I would feel safe in, and certainly not feel comfortable in allowing my children to play or walk past.

At least if we are aware of one or more of these problems before moving to a new area, we can make informed decisions and assess the potential problem with settling into our new home.

If you need a comprehensive  neighbourhood check carrying out in your neighbourhood and would like to know exactly what you is happening around you, contact us and we will provide you with an intensive, detailed and accurate picture of your community.
Give yourself peace of mind, that the area to which you are looking to live in is right for you and your family.

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