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Although we will not discuss specific investigations we are, or have been involved in, we will talk about issues that effect our core business, and highlight trends, patterns and methods that we have come across being used by the people we are investigating, along with tools and systems we have adopted as a resource for our investigative work.

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We offer our services throughout the UK, working in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, Derby, Northampton, Lincoln, and Liverpool to name a few.

The Office Manager at SGH & Associates - Private Investigators

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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Employment Tribunal....Fight or Settle?

Defending a claim in an employment tribunal can be a costly and time consuming affair.

Companies faced with such a dilemma have to weigh up various factors when notified of such an action. 

Should they settle, what harm will it do to the company if there is a hearing, what message does it send to existing employees, how much will it cost, what are the costs likely to be if they lose.

We have seen a significant increase in claims being brought against employers particularly due to law firms offering a no win no fee service.

Here at SGH & Associates we offer a bespoke investigation service to both small and large businesses alike. In conjunction with the client, our investigators will consider the issue the employee is alleging and put together a cost effective strategy that will assist the client in defending their position fairly and robustly.

Here is an example of the type of work we have been engaged in:

Client “A” was a national firm employing several hundred people in various roles. They employed Mr “B” who stated he had suffered a workplace injury and was unable to carry on his role and was therefore placed on long term sick. The employee was claiming £18,000 damages from the client stating they were unable to work due to injuries incurred along with being able to carry out domestic task including lifting walking long distances etc.

Our investigators identified that this person was in fact working as a self-employed landscape gardener working in another county for local commercial businesses keeping their grounds in order. We gathered evidence of him carrying out this work along with identifying his earnings from the work he carried out.
Prior to the subsequent employment tribunal the claimant dropped his case and resigned from the company.

This highlights that taking a pro-active stance on such claims can save extensive legal expenses along with a company’s reputation as well sending out a clear message to the workforce.

If you are the owner of a business or HR manager and would like to know more about how we can help you with an employee taking you to court contact us for a free consultation.

We can be contacted on 0845 544 1947 or e-mail us here enquiries@sghprivateinvestigators.co.uk

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