Welcome to Our Private Investigators Blog

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From time to time we will publish those matters that are close to our business heart and relate to the nature of our business - the world of a private detective agency.

Although we will not discuss specific investigations we are, or have been involved in, we will talk about issues that effect our core business, and highlight trends, patterns and methods that we have come across being used by the people we are investigating, along with tools and systems we have adopted as a resource for our investigative work.

Please feel free to contact us regarding our business or the topics we discuss, we are always happy to hear what you have to say.

We offer our services throughout the UK, working in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, Derby, Northampton, Lincoln, and Liverpool to name a few.

The Office Manager at SGH & Associates - Private Investigators

Visit our website here: SGH & Associates - Private Investigators


Monday, 3 August 2015

Can You Trust Those Who Enter?

On completing a big sweep of a property or a person’s home, we are regularly called upon to provide advice or a report on how private or sensitive information can be safeguarded.

Dependent on the environment we have been asked to analyse, one of the first considerations we suggest is to limit who has legitimate access to the property.

The number of devices we have detected comes as no surprise to us that the person responsible for planting the eavesdropping equipment is known to the client.
If the Police or a law enforcement agency wish to bug your house or office there are methods they use to remain undetected when the carry out the deployment.

But for amateur spies, stalkers and voyeurs breaking into a person’s home may be beyond their ability, however, if you have legitimate access to the property, then the hardest element of hiding a spy device is completed.

As this recent story of a man accessing the flat of a female friend to feed her pet demonstrates, his motive for befriending her should be questioned.

If you feel someone is spying on you and your property may have hidden cameras or microphones fitted, contact us. If it’s there, we will find it. Call us on 01157 270212 for a quote or to speak with one of our team, alternatively e-mail us at enquiries@sghprivateinvestigators.co.uk, or visit our bug sweep services page at http://www.sghprivateinvestigators.co.uk/bug_sweeping.htm

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