Welcome to Our Private Investigators Blog

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog .

From time to time we will publish those matters that are close to our business heart and relate to the nature of our business - the world of a private detective agency.

Although we will not discuss specific investigations we are, or have been involved in, we will talk about issues that effect our core business, and highlight trends, patterns and methods that we have come across being used by the people we are investigating, along with tools and systems we have adopted as a resource for our investigative work.

Please feel free to contact us regarding our business or the topics we discuss, we are always happy to hear what you have to say.

We offer our services throughout the UK, working in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, Derby, Northampton, Lincoln, and Liverpool to name a few.

The Office Manager at SGH & Associates - Private Investigators

Visit our website here: SGH & Associates - Private Investigators


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Bug Sweep Down Under Detects Presence of Electronic Spy Bug

Hidden Listening Device Used to Bug Elite Sports Team

The world of elite sport is not immune from the use of spying devices. New Zealand Rugby Club appear to be the latest victims of having a meeting room bugged in order for unknown people to know what their tactics and game plan was to be used.

Hidden Listening Device Used to Bug Elite Sports Team

The world of elite sport is not immune from the use of spying devices. New Zealand Rugby Club appear to be the latest victims of having a meeting room bugged in order for unknown people to know what their tactics and game plan was to be used.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Cheating husband leaves home but spy's on wife's activities

In the past few months we have carried out numerous bug sweeps on private houses and apartments for clients. 
And a great number of these electronic counter surveillance searches were circumstances whereby the occupant believed their ex-husband / partner had planted a hidden camera or listening device in the family home.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Considering Using a Bug Sweeping Expert?

Choosing a Counter Surveillance Expert

The protection of privacy and confidential proprietary information from acts of physical or electronic surveillance (eavesdropping) and espionage has become a necessary requirement for individuals, businesses and organisations. Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM) services are called on to prevent such acts and mitigate the risk of future potential compromise.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Using a GPS Car Tracker

Using a vehicle GPS tracker can be a cost effective method on keeping tabs on someone who you believe may be up to no good.
Our GPS trackers allow us to monitor the movements of a car, van lorry or other type of vehicle from the safe distance of our office.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Investigating Absent Employees

Since the new year we have been busy carrying out investigations on behalf of a couple of major retailers with staff issues.
The problem they shared was with employees who were registered as being on long term sick but were suspected of working elsewhere performing duties and work they were telling their real employers they were incapable of doing. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Theft in the Workplace - The Dishonest Employee

When we think of employee theft matters we instinctively consider someone with their hands in the till, or putting stock into their car.