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From time to time we will publish those matters that are close to our business heart and relate to the nature of our business - the world of a private detective agency.

Although we will not discuss specific investigations we are, or have been involved in, we will talk about issues that effect our core business, and highlight trends, patterns and methods that we have come across being used by the people we are investigating, along with tools and systems we have adopted as a resource for our investigative work.

Please feel free to contact us regarding our business or the topics we discuss, we are always happy to hear what you have to say.

We offer our services throughout the UK, working in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, Sheffield, Derby, Northampton, Lincoln, and Liverpool to name a few.

The Office Manager at SGH & Associates - Private Investigators

Visit our website here: SGH & Associates - Private Investigators


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

So Who Is That Person You Are About To Marry?

Getting married is a serious commitment. Marriage is a legally binding contract that affects both the husband and wife and their respective families for all of their lives. And in this country, many cultures adopt the arranged marriage method of identifying a partner for their siblings.

Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other.

As private investigators we have been called upon by parents and family members from both the husband’s side and the proposed wife’s family to carry out background enquiries into the person being put forward as the match for their child or relative.

Particularly when the families involved live in different countries, it is difficult to know that the person being put forward is a suitable candidate and that the information about them is true and accurate. 

Our discreet background checks have uncovered all manner of issues the family was unaware of, such as the person was secretly involved with another person, they were not employed in the job the family had been told, they had money problems and were secret gamblers or that they were secret drinkers.

Our background investigations have allowed the respective family’s time to re-think the initial marriage and make alternative arrangements.

We are expert in carrying out discreet and confidential enquires into person checks, surveillance and discovering the truth, along withe having the knowledge of what families are looking for to address the issues found.

If you would like a background investigation into a prospective partner contact us at enquiries@sghprivateinvestigators.co.uk or call us in confidence on 0845 544 1947.

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